REMINDER The NOAH family is bigger than just the Twinspace FORUM.NOAH community of eTwinners
You'll find in this section a part of our study travels' results (edited from the mobilities implemented in the progress of the former Erasmusplusanimals partnership 2017-2020) but also several results of somes of the eTwinning activities or remote workshops focused on Biodiversity and Sustainable Development and (or) implemented by Lycée Ravel from 2021 in the prospect of extending the Noah Initiative. AND SOME RESULTS OF THE ACMÉ PROJECT FROM 2024
NOAH FAMILY empathy, responsibility, inclusivity and sustainability |
Reminder: you can find some other sorts of results in the LegendE+ dissemination website made in Ravel school city (to show the european activities implemented since 2021) and/or on the ILARGIA LEAGUE'S pages putted on line by the NGO named "ILARGIA League" to promote innovative practises and the transnational collaborative projects wich are following the NOAH initiative for a beautiful (innovative) pedagogy.
..................................... engagement citoyen, engagement européen |
Année 2024 - PROJET INTERNATIONAL ACMÉ (non subventionné) - Semaine de moblisation en Mai pour valoriser les eTwinnings et les partenariats ERASMUS+ en cours "ALL CITIZENS" : remotely implemented activities in the Framework of ACMÉ 2024 with the eTwinners of the FORUM.NOAH family / valorization of KA1 mobilities and (mainly) propaganda for the new ERASMUS+ "Be.Bo.P" partnership |
S'inscrire à l'évènement (pour les personnes extérieures à la communauté scolaire : en cliquant ICI) |
ERASMUS MOB V (2024): Engagement citoyen, engagement européen
FORUM.NOAH in 2024: eTwinners are connected together in the framework of the ACMÉ project held by Lycée Ravel but supported also by the ILARGIA League and the NOAH community
................................. nouveau monde ? |
Année 2023 - FIN DU PARTENARIAT DE COOPÉRATION TERRE DE LÉGENDES - Semaine de mobilisation en mai pour promouvoir la candidature ACMÉ et inaugurer la Web.Radio QUINTESSENCE "ALL CITIZENS" : remotely implemented activities to promote some future applications centered on Orality or Dance with the FORUM.NOAH family / Valorization of the KA1 mobilities and the E+L.o.L. partnership |
Ayant implanté sa semaine de mobilisation pour l'Europe en mai 2023, le Lycée Ravel a malgré tout prévu à l'occasion des célébrations rituelles du programme ERASMUS+ en octobre, sa première réunion transnationale "en distanciel" dans le cadre du partenariat Be.Bo.P (2023-2026) et des ateliers d'appui à cette coopération comme au projet ACMÉ (qu'on espère concrétiser en 2024 grâce à des activités en ligne)
Remote activities On Wednesday, the 11th of October: A LESSON ONLINE ABOUT EUROPEAN FRONTIERS (comparizing 1815 and nowadays) made with Cluj-Napoca's team AND A LESSON ABOUT MARITIME FRONTIERS OF CHINA, TURKEY made with the UKLUSOY High School in Çesme (free debates beween students) On Thursday, the 12th of October: A LESSON ONLINE ABOUT NUMERICS AT SCHOOL, IN EDUCATION AND JOB made with Roma's and Montijo (free debates beween students)
<<On Friday, the 13th of October General Assembly online for all the Be.Bo.P project holders MORE ABOUT THE 2nd SUPPORT WORKSHOP: CLICK TO SEE |
NOUVEAU MONDE ? Imagine (a better) Future
la semaine de mobilisation du Lycée Ravel a été, jusqu'ici, implantée en début d'année scolaire ; mais beaucoup d'activités sont prévues à l'automne prochain (dernier voyage transnational dans le cadre du partenariat E+ L.o.L. et mobilités -entrantes et sortantes- si les projets de candidature ACMÉ et Be.Bo.P débouchent sur une heureuse conclusion ; cela a été le cas pour Be.Bo.P, ACMÉ débouchant finalement sur une série d'ateliers en distanciel / note ajoutée en avril 2024). C'est pourquoi on envisage de profiter du MAI DE L'EUROPE ("Joli mois") et des journées internationales implantées à cette période pour célébrer l'internationalisation de nos enseignements, et nos participations aux projets cofinancés par les institutions européennes, du 10 au 17 mai 2023.
the Lycée Ravel "ERASMUS MOB" week for transnational opening had so far been implemented at the start of the school year; but many activities are planned for next fall (last transnational trip as part of the E+ L.o.L. partnership and mobility -incoming and outgoing ones- if the ACMÉ and Be.Bo.P application projects lead to a happy conclusion); is why we plan to take advantage of the MERRY MONTH OF EUROPE and the international days in order to celebrate European cooperative actions the NOAH family is involved in.
click to EM III
[vers événements antérieurs ERASMUS MOB 2022, 2021 et 2020]
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
Téléchargements ERASMUS MOB IV année 2023 DOWNLOADS first part: cliquez pour télécharger un aperçu du programme du 9 au 12 mai 2023 second part: cliquez pour télécharger un aperçu du progamme du 15 au 17 mai a little more information about the "Graphic novels"contest / click on the drawing below:
Avec les lycées partenaires suivants : Eilert Sundt viedergändte skole, Norvège – Rigas.Raini, Lettonie - Colegiul economic « Iulian Pop » de Cluj-Napoca, Roumanie – HS in Antalya, Turquie – Dr Pavlov Veterinary School in Dobrich, Bulgarie – HS in Kwidzin, Pologne - International HS in Praha, République Tchèque – Bilgic HS in Cesme, Turquie – Baldone HS, Lettonie - ex IPS Stendhal à Rome, Italie – Montijo HS, Portugal – Ulusoy Maritime Vocational HS in Cesme, Turquie – Segovia HS, Espagne – Portugal
CONCERNING THE QUINTESSENCE TEAM: a videoconference may be planned to present a graphic novel made in each school as an abstract of the 5th element's quest (something like a graphic noval, or a cartoon or a manga, or what you want, to make a narrative in drawings focused ont the elements we have studied - Earth, Air, Fire and Water and renewable energies. Notice Sun is, in reality the Quintessence alchemists wanted to find and the source of all energies.
capitaine sensibles |
Année 2022 - FIN DU PARTENARIAT energyplus QUINTESSENCE erasmus+ - Semaine de mobilisation en octobre pour promouvoir le projet E+L.o.L (mobilité entrante) et fêter l'obtetnion du prix EITA 2022 (pour le projet E+A) SEE.SHORE and FORUM.NOAH : remotely implemented activities to explore and valorize the local ressources OR to educate to empathy and sustainability / Valorization of eTwinners'initiatives and the KA2 partnerships |
click to EM II
Interspecist empathy and myths
Semaine de mobilisation en faveur de l'action européenne et internationale du Lycée Maurice Ravel du 10 au 14 octobre 2022
Lectures, workshops and videoconferences for eTwinners and other Partners
Les 13 et 14 octobre : célébration des #Erasmusdays au Lycée Ravel et cérémonie, le 14, comprenant la remise symbolique d'un diplôme à notre Direction dans le cadre du PRIX EITA 2022 (du projet européen) le plus innovant remporté par E+A (Noah) REWARDED BY THE EU and #Erasmusdays ceremony the 14th of OCTOBER at LE SELECT cinema to end the ERASMUS MOB III (troisième édition annuelle de la semaine de mobilisation du Lycée Ravel en faveur de son ouverture Transnationale).
The Inaugural speech ONLY ONE PLANET |
(cinéma LE SELECT le 14 octobre) |
A symbolic certificate was >> given to the Direction of Lycée Ravel (Mr Vice- Principle Kalamy was the representative of) by Mr Heriteau, in charge of Youth municipal politics, in the name of the pedagogic staff. Then, Mr Boivin (from the City Council) Mrs Tariol (from Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine) and Mr Kalamy decerned the certificates of attendance to foreign participants in the E+ L.o.L. C2 study travel and Mrs Augé to French students who hosted some of the european friends. |
< A speech "on the stage" with my colleague Pascal Geoffroy, in charge of scientific topics at the beginnings of E+A (Noah)and we were very happy to welcome for this ceremony, after the diffusion of THE ARK. |
forces et fragilités de la Nature |
Année 2021 - FIN DU PARTENARIAT energyplus QUINTESSENCE erasmus+ - Semaine de mobilisation en novembre pour promouvoir les projet eVe+ (mobilité entrante) et E+L.o.L et rebondir après la pandémie SEE.SHORE and FORUM.NOAH : remotely implemented activities to explore and valorize the local ressources OR to educate to empathy and sustainability / Valorization of eTwinners'initiatives and the KA2 partnerships |
Four elements and Global Warming
Semaine de mobilisation en faveur de l'action européenne et internationale du Lycée Maurice Ravel du 22 au 27 novembre 2021
Many results are still available clicking on NOAH UPLOADS subtittle
Lectures, workshops and videoconferences for eTwinners and other Partners
click to EM I (another website) ERASMUS MOB 2020
FIND IN "SLIDES" PART some EM II abstracts
LINKS from here TO CONF1 (animals) - TO CONF 2 (seas and coasts) - TO EUROSCOLA SESSION (Facing "Global Warming" consequences and reverse it, make our economics more circular)-TO LOCAL ACTIVITIES-note the turkish partner was involved in our Nuits Blanches Project, (2015-2018) and also that both Romanian and Bulgarian teams were our partners in Erasmusplusanimals. But the escola "Jorge Peixinho" is a new friend of us... Click on the icons to access to the dedicated contents.
What's about Hydrogen ? AND How weakest economies can be included in the transnational struglge against climate change ? and also: a solution, the prohibition of plastic? (click on HOME tab) |
I can be silent ! by a Turkish student AND "plastic is a killer" by French team and also : Black Sea of Plastics click above to see the presentations or click on the left on the photographs to the question by Lycée Ravel: << the goal is to obtain plastic bottles will be forbidden! |
EMBLEMATIC ANIMALS ("biodiversité remarquable") | LOCAL SITUATION |
Coals, salmons... many species are concerned |
Global, national and local context according to French and Bulgarian Teams
E+A (Noah): the main concrete goal of training sessions implemented during the the short-term exchanges we have planned in the first year of our partnership between september, 2017 and november, 2018 was to produce some transnational movies as local field trips reportings. Then, C3 first objectives are: to write a common Chart and to choose a first scene for our Sci-Fi movie project, C4 was supposed to allow the production of a definitive synopsis, C5 was made to film the narrative in France / results of C3, C4 and C4 exchange are mainly edited both in CARTE BLANCHE and THE ARK parts). Concerning THE ARK project: find an overview of the process and the outcomes in the dedicated folder.
You'll find also in these pages some outcomes and products from the eTwinning projects NOAH and WATER.WOR(L)DS.
reminder: THE AGENDA OF ERASMUS MOB II is in the "OUTPUTS" PART of this website (on this page) but the products made to prepare the videoconferences are in the "UPLOADS" PART (click on SLIDES tab to access or use this direct link) ; other contents soon in the two Twinspaces W+W et Noah. Concerning the former ERAMUS MOB implemented in december 2020: reporting was done and edited in the "REPORT" part).
La semaine de mobilisation en faveur de l'ouverture transnationale du lycée est née d'une initiative prise en 2020 pour maintenir la dynamique européenne malgré les mesures de protection sanitaire et les entraves à la circulation. Cette première manifestation se répète depuis chaque année, parfois en même temps qu'une mobilité ERASMUS+ est organisée, ou bien une session EUROSCOLA, voire lors des #Erasmusdays ou encore du "Joli Mois de l'Europe" (en 2023 puis 2024).