Students of our targeted group were involved last Tuesday (the 20th of March) in an exploration day as it was planned in our candidacy form.
They went in the morning to a Science Research centre to hear a lecture and to see concretely how scientists use to study local salmons. They visited in the afternoon Bayonne old city, in order to see how the animals' representations are very pregnant in christian arts and myths.
After the visit of the INRA labs and a lecture about Salmons, pupils went to Bayonne in order to study the animals in the medieval art (gothic cathedral church as a sample).
Little report films were made by our students.
L'occasion pour les élèves français de pratiquer l'art difficile du montage et de l'enquête, sur les traces des animaux dans notre environnement naturel proche (le saumon, menacé mais étudié par les scientifiques de l'INRA) comme dans le patrimoine culturel local (les vieilles pierres de la cathédrale et/ou ses vitraux et ses statues) et universel (Pierre et le Loup).