Charte des Droits de la cité des Hommes et des Animaux
Declaration of Animal Rights and Human duties
Brainstorming in C3 DOBRICH, the 18th of May
People (Human Beings) have a special role in the world: they have a mission to care for animals and nature. But Wild Animals have the right to live in peace with the nature without the interference of human civilization.
- Animals have the right to life, freedom, and happiness - the right not to be abused and killed for the trivial desires of human
- If the suffering of the animal or a degree requiring is killed, it should be administered ina painless and no generationg stresse way.
- Wild animals must be able to live and reproduce freely in their environment.The protection of animals is to protect their lives, health and well-being, to protect them from inhuman and cruel treatment
- No animals should be used as a means of entertainement. Animals kept captive in zoological parks are incompatible with the animal dignity.
- The protection of animals is to provide appropriate care and living conditions ; people have to bred animals in a manner consistent with their development, their physiological needs and anatomical characteristics.
- Animals must not be subjected from the part of Human Beings to acts of unlawful killing, mutilation, injury, pain and distress.
- No one should abandon the animal he cares for.
- Where the host of a so-called domestic animal cannot take care of it, he shall surrender it to a shelter, rescue centre, other holding or to another host.
- It is forbidden to undergo surgical interventions to alter the appearance of animals for non-curative purposes ; experimentation in animals involving physical or psychic suffering is absolutely prohibited
- Any use of an animal for films or other forms of production must respect the dignity of the animal and must no endanger it or make it to be involved in violent acts.
- Any act compromising the survival of a wild species and slaughtrting of wild animals constitues a genocide.
- Humanity has the duty to preserve the biodiversity and to protect Animals by laws, as well people are...Education and public instruction must lead people to oberve, understand ans respect animals ans their natural environment. Governments action must promote and incite animal friendly practises and consumptions and the principles promulgated by this Declaration, and punish those who oppose it. CONCLUSION Education and public instruction must lead people to oberve, understand ans respect animals ans their natural environment. Governments action must promote and incite animal friendly practises and consumptions and the principles promulgated by this Declaration, and punish those who oppose it.