Recent reports (from 2021) are disseminated in the OUTPUTS section or in dedicated website (NBE+ tab)  

DIRECT ACCESS: click and go to "ERASMUS MOB I" report 

(december 2020)

First  year's field trips and other activities  / Comptes-rendus d'exploration et premiers ateliers sur le milieu littoral, la faune sauvage et les animaux mythiques (ateliers d'appui au projet mis en oeuvre localement)


NeskaB WEB


Reminder: a report of this local training activity was uploaded to our french website 
dedicated to European projects since every Partner is supposed to post informations
on its own local school website to disseminate and valorize the E+A (Noah) project.  
 French students (Seconde 4)  walked the 21st of November from the Bay (and the city centre, next to the High School) 
to Erromardie beach, 4 kilometers far away (northern part of the town).
They had to take videos in order to study 
the morphology of sea shore (Geography) and they also collected some evidences of animal presence (Biology).
A guided visit was done with the Help of two experts from the
"Centre Permanent d'Initiatives pour l'Environnement"
Mr Allistair Brockbank and Mr Jon Frahier.Little movies were made as a first reporting activity test 
by students and given to the Geography teacher...
L'un des films réalisés par les lycéen(ne)s de Seconde à l'issue de cette promenade pédagogique destinée à leur présenter le sujet, à les initier au reportage et à stimuler leur intérêt pour le projet. Les activités conduites éte ent en lien direct avec le programme de SVT et supervisées par M Geoffroy, professeur de la discipline et,  par ailleursj  enseignant  responable de la section européenne Anglais
Attention ! Project holders  will have to use the  FORUM NATURE+CULTURE Twinspace to keep all the rushes and movies made at home in order students to cooperate during study travels (or from peer to peer by the Net).
Please do not forget our main goal: pupils will have to product together some transnational movies.
Thanks to all of implicated teachers to use our blog to keep in touch colleagues and give details about what you are doing with your students.

A movie about REAL AND GOTHIC ANIMALS - March, 2018 

More details about our second field trip below (in a dedicated post).

A report with the agenda of the 2nd field outing implemented in France (sortie scolaire E+A n°2) 

Only transnational production or best of national ones will be uploaded
in  this common public portal 
[the E+A (Noah) spot]... 

You'll find in this section (REPORTS tab) some posts on local activities in Bulgaria, France, Romania and Portugal...

Certaines activités implantées localement font l'objet de descriptions insérées dans le blog des porteurs d eprojet, ainsi en ce qui concerne la première sortie de terrain au Portugal.

Our priority during the first year was to prepare our students to use their smartphones to do footage and montage and to show them how to cooperate (and implement reporting teamwork). We'll check how they do manage to target these goals in a transnational context during C1 (first short term exchange in May, 2018). Local activities were implemented during the second and third years in the same time the mobilities (short-term exchange) were done or to prepare its.




15th of June MONDAY


10.00 - 12.30 Plenar comittee / organization, casting


13.00 Common Lunch

14.00-  18.00 Filming at St Ignace (SOL IN THE FOREST)

 f1  f2  f3

16th of June TUESDAY

10.00 - 11.00 Plenar comittee / planning

11.00 -13.00 Filming at school (FLO AS A LEADER)

13.00 Common Lunch

souterrain John

14.00 - 18.00 Filming at school (UNDERGROUNDS)

17th of June WEDNESDAY

10.00 - 11.00 Plenar comittee / debriefing and watching the rushes 

11.00 - 12.30 Filming at APA (ANIMALS)

13.00 Common Lunch

sc1 sc2

14.00 - 18.00 Filming at school (FLO AND HIS PROGRAMME)

lab1 lab2 lab3

18th of June THURSDAY

10.00 - 12.30 Filming at school (OVA)

13.00 Common Lunch

14.00  - 18.00 Filming at school (LITTLE DIALOGUES)

19th of June FRIDAY

10.00 - 12.30 Filming at Senitz (THE BEACH SCENE)

13.00 Common Lunch

lift takeoff

14.00  - 18.00 Filming at school (THE ROCKET SCENE)

18.00 Pot de fin de tournage

24th of June Wednesday

10.00 - 12.00 EDITING WORKSHOP / the film is posted on line in the afternoon